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Career Development

  • Transition is the process of moving from high school or post high school to being an adult member of the community. Transition planning takes place during the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process. This is the time when planning takes place for life after high school with the IEP team. This process is also a wonderful opportunity for the IEP team to gather information about the student’s skills and interests. Students can participate in career awareness, career exploration, work experience, school-to-career programs, community-based instruction and high school classes.  The information from these experiences will provide the IEP team with the data needed to develop transition services.

  • Transition planning should begin by age 14 or earlier, if needed.  This is the time during the IEP to decide on the type of courses, academic or vocational, that will help the student prepare for the future. The Transition Plan in the IEP will describe instruction, community experiences, employment activities, adult living, and related services that will help the student achieve goals after high school.

Parts of our Transition Service

Student in chair with adults around a table talking.

Preemployment Skills

Students will learn:
Appropriate social interactions and also time management skills.

Student with adults talking about potential jobs.

Supported Job Sampling

Students will go out into the community and participate in various job samples with community partners. They will practice working with support from school staff. 

Student sitting at a desk with a computer smiling.

Independent Job Samples

Students will go out into the community and participate in various job samples with community partners. They will practice working with support from school staff. 

Student sitting at a desk with dividers in a suit and tie smiling.

Paid Employment

Students who receive paid employment have been able to demonstrate their ability to fill out employment applications, complete job interviews and are then hired into employment by the employer.

Success Stories

Brenda Gonzales

Jason Hernandez

Aaron West

Anna Hall

Tavyn Ford